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spear.nvim docs


Separation of concern is a common practice for organising code, often with standard file structures and naming conventions, but navigating between files separated like this frequently and at speed can be slow and impact productivity.

You could use tools like:

  • file trees,
  • splits,
  • fuzzy finders,
  • marks

but none are purpose built to levarage standard folder structures to make you blazingly fast.

They’re either too powerful to waste on navigating to a file literally next to the one you’re in, or require too much setup to be done sustainably.

Spear is designed to programmatically navigate within folders with standard folder structures. Just map the navigation to files with extensions of your choice to your own keybindings and you’re off.

Spear is built to be used alongside native features like marks or plugins like Harpoon; They get you to file you want, spear gets you to the files around it.