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spear.nvim docs


Spear requires limited setup and the defaults should serve you well if you are just looking to get started.

If you would like to turn off print info and errors, or if you would like to save files as you navigate and change the way spear matches paths then you can update this

Match Preference (match_pref)

first (default) -- Go to the first matched extension regardless of current file
next -- Go to the first matched extension, unless that is the current file, then go to the next

This setting controls the behaviour when you have multiple extensions mapped to the same key like: spear({ ".ts", "_helper.ts" })

first (Default)

First tries to navigate to a file matching the first extension in the list. If you are already in that file, then you stay where you are. It loops through the provided extensions until it has found one or there are no more.

So if you have the following config and folder, pressing f will take you to main.ts and nowhere else.

spear_bind('f', { ".ts", "_helper.ts" }, { match_pref: "first" })
spear_bind('d', ".html")
spear_bind('s', ".css")
spear_bind('a', ".spec.ts")


Next on the otherhand will loop through the extensions, and if you are in the file it matches first, will move onto the next extension.

So if you have the following config and folder, pressing f will swap between main.ts and main_helper.ts.

spear_bind('f', { ".ts", "_helper.ts" }, { match_pref: "next" })
spear_bind('d', ".html")
spear_bind('s', ".css")
spear_bind('a', ".spec.ts")